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Showing posts from March, 2013

25 Benefits of Drinking Water

There are so many health benefits of drinking water in the morning. It is best to first hydrate the body after waking up for the day ahead. This sustains blood flow to the skin and flushes toxins off the body.  D rinking water in the morning prevents the development of kidney stones. This process helps in averting colon and bladder infections. The following are the 25 benefits of drinking water in the morning or at night. Benefits of Drinking Water: 1. Water Purifies Colon: Drinking water in the morning helps the body to purify the colon and produces colon which is a healthier one. This process aids in producing new fresh blood that benefits in curing ailments and restoring your health. Starting the day with a glass of water encourages the stomach to absorb nutrients appropriately by activating the colon and intestines' mucosal folds. This procedure can keep a number of maladies at bay. 2. Water Increases The Production of Blood and Muscles Cell: It is interesting to know that